Friday, October 7, 2011

More room decorating ideas

I want to make a headboard and a bed frame for my bed. Okay, well not exactly a bed frame but I don't really know what to call it. It's a lot simpler than how a bed frame sounds. Or maybe it just sounds weird to me and you completely understand what I mean. Anyways, those are my main goals right now. The things I really really really want to get done soon! 

First the bed. I want to make a pallet bed. Like these....the pictures are from Pinterest of course. 
Photo from

Photo from 

Aren't they just awesome looking? I want to paint mine black though. And then use the open spaces to store all my books. I would also keep my box spring so my bed would be higher. I kinda have to otherwise my comforter would be all over the floor! It's a queen size on a full bed. 

Then I want a headboard. My bed is my main source of seating in my room. It's a bad thing I know but I would love a headboard to lean against. (I'm hoping to get a desk soon to craft, blog, and sit at for other things soon.) But I still want a headboard! I don't have a specific design in mind but I found some other blogs and tutorials to help me out. Check them out here and here and also here are just some inspiring pictures. 

Right now my plan is to do something with clean lines and with a colored fabric. (Pst the fabric I'm using is a fabric shower curtain I picked up at Marshalls for $7. Ya baby!) But I'm not going to go into all that yet since I haven't gotten the wood base at all. Getting pallets and the wood piece for my headboard is what is holding me up. My little Honda can't hold either of those things. My sister's SUV probably can't get any pallets plus I haven't found any free ones near enough to pick up yet. But I am determined! 

Just so you know pallet furniture is kinda iffy thing. You have to be careful about the pallets you use. A lot of pallets are either chemically or water treated and you don't want to be using any of those in your home or as a used piece of furniture. If you think pallet furniture is cool check out my pinterest or just google pallet furniture. There are some awesome ideas out there! 

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