Monday, April 23, 2012

And Then We Added 1

One year that is. 
Don't get too excited or jump to any conclusions now! 

It's my birthday today. 
The big 24. It kinda feels like 23 to be honest. 
But maybe that's because it falls on a Monday. 
Don't you think birthdays should skip Mondays? 
I do. 

My lovely sister made me a carmel cappacino this morning. 
It helped me wake up. 

Then when I got to work I had a fun card from my coworkers and a amazingly sweet card from my friend Anne. Who also supplied my favorite snacks as well as other goodies.

My birthday dinner was amazingly delicious. 
Mahi, rice, and fresh asparagus. 
I may have had some issues and choked on the part of the asparagus. 

And then it was dessert time. 
Can you say a Cannoli cake from Whole Foods Bakery!
Doesn't that sound delicious!?!?! 
Jayden wanted all the mini chocolate chips on top. 

It was really really good. 
Do you see the size of that piece?

The leftovers are going to work so Keiki and I don't go into a sugar coma.
Especially considering she also bought other desserts from the Whole Foods Bakery. 

I'm telling you people. If you have one nearby you MUST go. But not if you plan to diet. Then its a bad bad bad idea. 

But yay! 
Happy Birthday to me! 

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