A couple posts ago I talked about the goals and plans I have made for 2011 and I have been working on them! I have completed 2 days of working out and tomorrow will be day 3. I have been really trying to be more positive and think I am doing better but need to find a way to measure and really decide that. (I will admit I fell off that band wagon today but plan to be back tomorrow.) I have also added some decorations to me room! I am attaching a picture. The picture isn't that great and please ignore the mess on my dresser but I am still excited about what I did.
I got the decorating idea off another blog and turned it into something more sophisticated. I picked out a wider ribbon from Michael's. I specifically looked for something with color as a lot of my room is in brown tones. I then actually developed some of my favorite pictures and paper clipped them to the ribbon. I used coated paper clips so hopefully no rust or large indentations are left on the pictures. Since I have short walls and a slanted ceiling this works great to add a lot of pictures at a time. I am thinking about making a smaller stand somewhere else but that comes after I rearrange the furniture!
I am pretty proud of myself for these little accomplishments. Like I've said before I am a procrastinator and I feel good that I've gotten things accomplished after such a short time. It's also motivating to get more done so I can add more to my list. I'm not sure how many actually read my posts but if anyone does are you working on your 2011 Resolutions?